Libraries & Museums Can Be More Secure with Visitor Management Software
Public leisure establishments such as libraries and museums are usually crowded, full of notorious people, and prone to mishappenings in the form of theft. Securing these establishments can be a daunting task, and doing it in a way that the visitors are not swayed away even more so. Introducing a visitor management system can help in significantly reducing this threat, and propelling the visitor experience to new heights.
Here are a few ways in which having an optimum visitor management software can improve the security for libraries and museums:
1.Recording and Tracking Visitors
A visitor management software can help the management at libraries and museums to track the visitors by implementing the check-in process with the help of it. When a visitor enters the establishment, their details like names, contact details, email ID, etc. can be recorded into the visitor management software, and their journey into the museum or library can begin from there until they check-out.
This can help in the following ways:
➜Tracking the amount of time they have spent in the establishment
With the help of a visitor management system, establishments don’t need to worry about mixing up or loss of data accumulated from the visitors. This helps in coming up with better ways to improve visitor management through rigorous analyzing done by the visitor management software, along with developing strategies that can address the weak points in the management and can be used to substantially improve these weak areas.
Moreover, an efficient VMS can help libraries in tracking the unissued books that are missing from the place and museums in determining whether their items were touched or displaced.
3.Scanning and Visitor Passes
An optimum visitor management software can issue visitor pass or cards upon their check-in to the libraries or museums. The visitors can use this pass or cards to go around libraries and issue books conveniently with almost complete automation, and the passes or cards can be used to track the location or activities of visitors in museums to maintain better security. In turn, it also enhances the visitor experience due to minimal human interaction and conveniently automated processes. An efficient VMS can be used effectively to scan and record the visitors’ activities around the establishments with ease.
Suspicious activities like a visitor spending a lot of time at one place in the museums, no check-outs in libraries, no return of issued books, etc are accurately represented by visitor management software and the management is instantly notified of such happenings, further enhancing the security and visitor management.
4.Distinguishing Old and New Visitors
This is perhaps one of the most important but ignored aspects of a VMS. Identifying repeat visitors, regular visitors, and new visitors can substantially help the management in being aware of which ones to keep a close eye on. For instance, regular visitors can be given a bit more leeway than new or repeat visitors. Repeat visitors can be tracked rigorously at checkpoints to determine the purpose of their visit. In the same way, new visitors can be closely kept tabs on in a way that it doesn’t seem intrusive by offering help or guiding them through the checkpoints of the establishment. This helps in improving their visitor experience while simultaneously making sure that the assets in the establishment stay secure.
Libraries and Museums nowadays realize the importance of introducing technological solutions to enhance their visitor experience as well as security. Properly utilizing a visitor management system can help in doing both effectively. piLOBI is a visitor management software designed to fulfil all your needs about to better security and an elevated tracking of visitors. Contact our professionals today, and build towards a secure future of your establishment!